Agriculture Machinery Research Program
Agriculture Machinery Development Centre is one of the technical sections under Agriculture Machinery Centre. It is located in Paro. It is mandated to promote farm mechanization programme need base research in farming technology.
The research section will generate efficient farm mechanization technology through adoption, adaption, innovation and inventions. This section shall review and approve the research activities in the country. Conduct research on need based farm mechanization technologies applying available scientific methods in Paro to cover the central and western parts of the country. The section will work on following activities. The certified technologies shall then be promoted to FMCL, private sector and any entity.
It shall study feasibility of adoption of available technologies from other countries for introduction in the country based on the need assessment. Carry out evaluation and modification if required through proper assessment of imported technologies to be adapted to Bhutanese conditions. It should work in close collaboration with research institutions within and outside the country.
To generate in-country technologies based on the social, environmental and economical feasibility. It shall work to come up with technologies that are suitable to the local conditions based on the greater needs in the country.
All developments, trials and modification of prototypes collected from within the country as well as outside shall be carried out in the workshop. Through proper research and field feedbacks shall be carried out in the workshop. It shall also assist the other two regionals if need be because of inadequate facilities there. This workshop shall be a platform for capacity development for the scholars and others in collaboration with regional centres and training section. The workshop will have adequate machines and equipment for prototype development, modification, testing and evaluation.