Agriculture Machinery Training Program
The Agriculture Machinery Centre is responsible for the promotion of farm mechanization in the country or in other words promotion of labor saving technology. With the mandate to promote labor saving technology, Agriculture Machinery Training Centre under AMC was established in the year 1986, under then the Department of Agriculture and major external assistance was received from the Government of Japan, primarily as General and KR-II Grants. It was envisaged that AMC would be responsible for the whole operation, maintenance and co-operation of the Farm Mechanization Program and to achieve the activities, such training are provided to enhance the operation and maintenance skill of the machines owners as well as the other stake holder. Thousands of additional jobs need to be created every year in rural area. Rural people migrate to urban areas for employment and better amenities as such opportunities are not adequately available in rural areas. To enhance for further sustainability the training is provided in group to the machines owners, such as AMC technicians, extension officers, private service providers, Key farmer, in-country manufacturer, CNR students and rural agriculture mechanic. The training is aimed at providing enhancing the capacity of the end users for further sustainability.
AMTC will function as departmental organization. AMTC management will be guided by the management of AMC, under the department of agriculture. The head of the AMTC will be responsible to the Programme Director of agriculture machinery center, AMC.
The training is imparted to all end users and stakeholders which are Farm Machinery Corporation Limited, private sector, individual farmers, students and technical students. It shall be conducted at Paro, Samteling and Khangma based on the need. The trainings are in repair and maintenance of farm machinery, operation of farm machinery which are beings drafted with collaboration with MOLHR with standards and curriculum and tuning to the National Certificate levels. Quality trainings to all stakeholders shall ensure quality and safe use of farm machinery in the country.
It is basically awareness on all types of farm mechanization technologies in the country. It is especially targeted to one day visits made by farmers and all other stake others. The visitors shall be shown all types of machines in all centres and this is also greatly help and promotes technologies