Posted on:23 Aug 2016

As a certified training institute for farm machinery, AMTC grade B had standards for Power tiller operation, maintenance and repair endorsed with the support of Ministry of labour and Human Resources a few weeks ago. From today i.e August 22 2016, the curriculum development for Power Tiller Operator and Power Tiller Repair Mechanic haave started again with the expertise from the MoLHR. A step has been taken to standardize the standards and curriculum drafting which shall thereafter streamline the training and also upgrade the training into National Certificate (NC1, NC2 and NC3). The technical experts for the curriculum development are from AMC. The workshop which spans for 12 days will end with three curriculum drafted and certified for use hereafter. The offtg Pgramme Director opened the workshop stressing the need to change the style of imparting training hereafter with much improved methods and training practices. There are around 10 participants.