Displaying 31-40 of 198 results.
Draft Bhutan Standard on Power Tiller
The Bhutan Standards Bureau (BSB) would like to announce that the Draft Bhutan Standard on Power Tiller is wide circulated for comments of the general stakeholders. Therefore, relevant stakeholders, both private and government agencies are invited to make comments.
The commenting...
Views: [ 2827 ]
Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting for Strengthening Farm Mechanization Project Phase II concluded.
The 2nd JCC meeting for SFaMP-II of Agriculture Machinery Centre was chaired by Hon’ble Secretary, MoAF on August 31, 2016 at Department of Agriculture, Conference hall. The Chief JICA representative, JICA office and team were present from the donor side. All the chiefs...
Views: [ 2740 ]
Development of power reaper curriculum for training
The technical team from AMC started the development of standard training course for power reaper from today. The curriculum shall involve what is what is required to be learnt by the operator and mechanics for the smooth operation of the reapars for harvesting of the paddy.The curriculum...
Views: [ 2657 ]
Reaper machine Training
Agriculture Machinery Centre is organizing a week long training on operation, maintenance, adjustment and minor servicing of reaper with improved curriculum before the onset of the paddy harvesting season from September 19, 2016 at Agriculture Machinery...
Views: [ 2409 ]
Invitation of Limited Tenders for Catering (2016-2017)
The Agriculture Machinery Centre would like to invite limited sealed tenders from the eligible Hoteliers/Restaurants in Paro for the catering of food, tea and snacks for the fiscal year 2016-2017.
Tender documents should...
Views: [ 2495 ]
Progress Report 2015-2016
Progress Report 2015-2016 is uploaded.
Click to Download>>>
Views: [ 2668 ]
Reaper Training
The training for seasonal machine " reaper" for harvesting paddy had started from September 19, 2016 for the period of five days at Agriculture Machinery Training Section, Paro. A total of 32 participants from the Farm Machinery Corporation limited (FMCL)...
Views: [ 2297 ]
Improved cardamom dryer evaluation in Dagana
Last year, Agriculture Machinery Centre's research team installed one set of improved cardamom dryer each in Dagana, Tsirang and Sarpang dzongkhags respectively. This time of the year, the evaluation tests for the improved dryer is on going at Dagana Dzongkhag. It is using Bhukari...
Views: [ 2845 ]
Reaper training to 32 FMCL staff concludes
The five days training on operation, maintenance, services, adjustments, importance of adjustments and trouble shooting completed yesterday with the awarding of certificates i.e Spetmeber 24, 2016.. It was a comprehensive training and particpants gained immense skill...
Views: [ 2486 ]
Potato digger Implement test Evaluation at Phobjekha
AMC designed implements to be attached with powertiller and mini power tiller were tested at Phobjekha last week from September 19, 2016 onwards. The comparative evaluation was conducted using the available plough and these improved diggers. The test results shows AMC made...
Views: [ 2740 ]